Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - December 5, 2009

THE SIMPLE WOMAN'S DAYBOOK - Entry for Saturday, December 5, 2009

Outside my window... sunshine, even though it's cold!

I am thinking... about Christmas

I am thankful for... blazing fires in fireplaces!

From the kitchen... beanee weenies!

I am creating... crafts out of toilet paper holders

I am going... to heat up some leftovers for lunch in a bit.

I am wearing... jeans, yellow tee, & my red chucks

I am reading... unit planning strategies

I am hoping... that my Dad comes to stay with us on Christmas Eve night

I am hearing... my oldest baby and my youngest baby laughing; the fire popping merrily in the other room

Around the house ... just general contentedness :0)

One of my favorite things... did I mention a roaring fire in the fireplace yet?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... church, in-laws, relaxation

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...